Rethink, Rewrite, and Redesign Services
Plain Language Content Development and Syndication
Count on the health literacy, plain language, and cultural competence experts at the Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA) for rethink, rewrite, and redesign services focused on your patient-facing materials.
We provide expert support with the following:
- Conceptualizing
- Copywriting
- Editing
- Designing
- Positioning
First, we ask questions about what you’re trying to achieve with your patient-facing communications and materials.
Second, we evaluate your existing content in relation to Good Health Literacy Practices (GHLPs).
Third, we let you know what can be done to ensure your content generates the level of patient engagement, activation, and adherence you need to achieve your desired level of performance, outcomes, and impacts.
Fourth, we give you a firm quote on our advanced content conceptualization, authoring, and editorial services:
- $3,750 for rethink, rewrite, and redesign projects (up to 10 pages)
Fifth, we work with you every step of the way to ensure your health-related communications are clear and effective.
What To Budget
To ensure your budget covers critical expenses and the possibility of changes in project scope and direction, please set aside a reserve of 35% over the basic project fee:
- An extra 25% for critical expenses
- An extra 10% for changes in project scope and direction
That is, budget 135% of the basic project fee. That way, you have all the funding you need to ask for extras along the way.
Contact us today c/o Andrew Pong at +1 800-434-4633 x 207 or