Corporate Purpose Coaching, Toolkit, & Instructions
Receive hands-on help using a Corporate Purpose Toolkit from Central IQ for a broad range of mission-critical corporate initiatives—including crafting or refining your corporate Mission Statement.
Get a Central IQ tour through an easy-to-use Corporate Purpose Toolkit in MS Word and PDF formats—and learn how Deep Strategy™thinking, techniques, and tools can improve your corporate culture, competencies, brand equity, revenues, operating efficiencies, earnings growth, risk mitigation, competitiveness, scalability, scalability, speed to favorable liquidity events, and investor metrics.
Receive practical training on how to use the Corporate Purpose Toolkit for a broad range of applications—starting with (but not limited to) crafting or refining your corporate mission, vision, and objectives with an unapologetically ethical value system.
Meet online, in-person, or in a hybrid setting to get hands-on help from the Central IQ leadership team in crafting or refining(1) your corporate statement of purpose, (2) a description of the future you’re creating, and (3) a compelling set of SMART objectives (that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely).
Rest assured that—in just one hour—you’ll already…
- have a far more complete, accurate, and precise mission, vision, and set of objectives that provide critical insight for executive decision-making;
- know how to use unexpected successes and unexpected failures to detect what has already happened that has yet to have a full impact on your most critical areas of corporate focus; and
- be able to apply powerful Deep Strategy™ methods—like Venn diagram thinking, left-bracket/right-bracket pivots, and sticky memes—to refine your working hypothesis so it remains reality-based, internally congruent, known and understood throughout you organization, and subject to continual updating (as recommended by Peter F. Drucker and other management thought and practice leaders).
Leverage your multipurpose Deep Strategy™ workbook so your mission, vision, and objectives…
- reflect your corporate culture, core competencies, and corporate brand;
- enhance your revenues, operating efficiencies, and earnings growth;
- support your risk mitigation, competitiveness, and scalability;
- improve your scalability, speed to favorable liquidity events, and investor metrics;
- provide a powerful moral, ethical, and practical framework for your enterprise so you and your team members feel more enlightened, empowered, and effective than you have ever felt before;
- lead to ever-more-enriching relationships with your key stakeholders; and
- align the interests of strategic allies, contribute to a better-functioning society, and promote human flourishing.
Enjoy Central IQ’s Deep Strategy™ guarantee:
- If our Deep Strategy™ thinking, techniques, and tools don’t leave you feeling more credible, commanding, and competent than you’ve felt in years—just let us know.
- We’ll either graciously refund your money in full or—if you prefer—invest our time, talent, and treasure until you do feel that way.
- And we’ll happily work with you to ensure your top line, business efficiencies, and bottom line are gaining momentum at a pace you’ll appreciate.