Corporate Positioning, Productivity, and Profitability Frameworks
$3,750.00 – $180,000.00
Count on Central IQ to help you rethink the way you describe your business, your ideal customers, your initial offerings, the value those offerings deliver, and the results you generate—so your 30-second elevator pitch and subsequent explanations are as compelling as possible.
We work with you “live” to:
- revisit and refine your mission, vision, and objectives;
- rethink your ideal customers, their job roles, and their organizations;
- reorder their challenges (focusing on the top-three pain points, needs, and aspirations you help them address);
- recount how you will help them; and
- restate the qualitative and quantitative results that they, their customers, and your own stakeholders can expect from this effort.
(c) 2023 Central IQ, Inc.